Innovation within Tequila Industry

Innovation Within the Tequila Industry

Move over Gin. It’s time for Tequila to take center stage. Smooth and versatile, Tequila is increasingly becoming the beverage of choice for Americans. In 2020 alone, Tequila sales grew 54% in the US, outperforming all other spirits. But Tequila’s growth has not come around easily. Retailers and bartenders have spent several years educating consumers […]

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Premiumization of the Tequila Industry

Why Premium Tequila?

Once considered to be a shot only suitable for consumption with a chaser of salt and lime. Tequila has followed hot in the footsteps of the most prestigious brands of gin, vodka, or whiskey, becoming the latest spirit to go through a process of premiumization. High-quality sipping tequila has become hugely popular in recent years […]

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